Wednesday 5 May 2010


Please feel free to forward to people in your area concerned about this issue, or publish on your publication, programme or website.
Thank you.
Further information/comment from organiser, Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin 086-2202029.


A follow-up public meeting on the issue of “reckless driving” through residential areas and approach roads in Clonakilty takes place at 8.30pm this Thursday evening (6th May) in O’ Donovan’s Hotel, Clonakilty.

Two weeks ago, a cross section of around 35 residents from many different areas of Clonakilty, attended a similar meeting on the same topic, but decided unanimously to call a second meeting to which a representative of the Gardaí and all Town Councillors would be formally invited to attend. On the previous occasion, the local Garda Superintendent (or a representative in his place), was also invited, but on the night, they didn’t attend. Many people at the last meeting on 22nd April outlined specific issues that concern them, but it could be all summed up by the 50km/hour speed limits being constantly exceeded by all sorts of vehicles. There was also the related issue of nuisance caused to residents, particularly during hours of darkness by excessively loud exhausts on some vehicles.

Residents of some areas expressed a fear of walking or cycling roads in their areas, and they were seeking action from the Gardaí to enforce the speed limits and take action against offenders, as they feared a serious accident due to speeding would occur.

The meeting on this Thursday evening starts at 8.30pm in O' Donovan's Hotel and is open to all, with residents and business people directly affected by the issue of speeding in their areas, particularly welcome.

Further information 086-2202029.

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