Wednesday 24 March 2010


Clonakilty Sinn Féin Town Councillor Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin has called for the inaugural meeting of the Clonakilty Joint Policing Committee to take place before Easter, and has expressed his frustration at the apparent lack of interest and importance being shown in relation to it within the council. Cllr. Ó Súilleabháin stated that he placed a motion on the council agenda in August 2008 formally calling for the establishment of the JPC, which was adopted, but since then the whole matter has moved “slower than snail's pace” within the council.
“During the autumn of 2008 and most of 2009, I was calling at nearly every council meeting for the matter to be progressed. Eventually last November – 15 months after the JPC was first mooted, all parts of the jigsaw were completed and put in place. However, five months later, the Joint Policing Committee has yet to hold its first meeting!
The people of Clonakilty town are understandably concerned by the ongoing issues of anti-social behaviour, drug abuse, illegal public drinking, nuisance motorists and other anti-community activities that are happening, and are frustrated by the lack of any action or leadership being shown by their local council on issues that concern residents and businesses alike.
It’s time to stop the procrastinating and talking about the JPC. It’s high time it actually MET!
I am now calling for it’s first meeting to take place before Easter. If everyone involved works to make it successful, and takes their own responsibilities seriously, the JPC has the potential to stamp out a lot of the present unacceptable activities happening in our town, and will improve the lives of some people in certain areas affected by illegal activities.
The function of the committees as set out in legislation is:
“……to serve as a forum for consultations, discussions and recommendations on matters affecting the policing of the local authority’s administrative area, and in particular to – (a) keep under review - (i) the levels and patterns of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in that area (including the patterns and levels of misuse of alcohol and drugs), and (ii) the factors underlying and contributing to the levels of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in the area, (b) advise the local authority concerned and the Garda Síochána on how they might best perform their functions having regard to the need to do everything feasible to improve the safety and quality of life and to prevent crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour within the area…….”
Clearly, the JPC has potential to make things better, and importantly it has teeth and there is accountability involved.
JPC’s are already up and running for over a year in many other towns, and in many cases are working well. It’s time Clonakilty got it’s act together. Let’s get together and make it happen now”


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