Thursday 22 October 2009



As of this Friday, (23rd) the Clonakilty Food Market, which has become a pleasant weekly feature of Clonakilty town life, will temporarily relocate to an area a short distance from The Credit Union Car Park where they have been trading since April.

Recorders Alley, which connects Pearse Street to the Kent Street car park, will be the temporary location for the Friday market which operates from around 8.00am – 2.00pm weekly. The market has enjoyed great success and public support since trading began in April. A wide range of goods on offer include locally grown organic produce, plants, flowers, oven baked pizzas, cheeses, breads, baking goods, dressings, meats, olives and much more.

The move follows the request by the town council after a vote in August that traders vacate the Credit Union car park. Since then the traders have investigated four possible temporary locations for the market. A lot of goodwill was expressed to re-locate the market and following meetings between Tom O' Donovan of O' Donovan’s Hotel and market traders it was agreed last week that the proposed location would be most suitable.

Following the unanimous August vote which voted in favour a finding a suitable permanent location for the market, councillors and town officials will now proceed with their investigations. Most of the present Town Councillors fully support the market.

It is now two years (November 2007), since the initial motion at the council to facilitate the setting up of a market was passed.

There's been a lot of tooing and froing, long-fingering, public meetings, public debates etc. in the interim.

Emmet Square is the latest proposal for consideration by the council, but as the saying goes, the wheels of power grind slowly!!

The market is a huge asset to Clonakilty every week. Long may it continue and hope officialdom get their act together to regularise the situation which is what everyone wants.

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