For further information/comment, please contact: Paul Hayes 086-8589019 (SF candidate for Cork South West, or Cllr. Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin, 086-2202029)
West Cork Sinn Féin has organised a protest outside the constituency office of Cork South West Fianna Fáil Deputy Christy O' Sullivan at McCurtain Hill this evening Friday 6th August, at 6.30pm, to give people an opportunity to come together irrespective of political affiliations to show their disgust at the latest record unemployment figures. The event is part of a national day of action against unemployment being organised by Sinn Fein throughout the state.
Yesterdays CSO statistics showed that 13.7% of the working population is now out of work, a rise of 34,400 in the last year.
Clonakilty SF Councillor Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin stated that these shameful figures are disgraceful. "And we are not sure how many young people have emigrated since the recession started, and this is probably another conveniently forgotten statistic for the Fianna Fáil led government of which Christy O' Sullivan is a member. I am personally aware of many people in their 20's who have been made redundant and many others who have opted to abandon this country in search of work elsewhere because of the governments failure to address the crisis. Peoples dignity and morale is at an all time low, as they wait for up to four months for miserly social welfare payments.
Sinn Féin will be focusing our attention on where it should be, at the doors of Fianna Fáil. In the last couple of months, Deputy O' Sullivan came to national importance in defence of a small minority of the population involved in hunting, and apparently threatened to consider his position if he didn't get his way on these issues.
Yet he has been silent on the last two budgets, and the bank bailouts, corrupt politicians and defends government ineptitude on all fronts.
And to add insult to injury, the T.D.'s won't be back at proper work for the people or the country until October! Imagine a manager of a company in serious difficulty taking four months holidays!
This evening, we invite everyone who is disgusted with the attitude of Fianna Fáil and these latest scandalous statistics, to join us irrespective of their political affiliations to let the people who govern us that their policies are just no good enough.
We will be handing in a letter of protest to the office at the end of the demonstration".