Further information and comment from Cllr. Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin 086-2202029.
Around 35 concerned and affected residents and businesspeople from all over Clonakilty attended last Thursdays public meeting at O’ Donovan’s Hotel, on the topic of “reckless driving” on the streets and roads of Clonakilty and surrounding areas.
However, there was huge disappointment and frustration, bordering on anger from some at the meeting that no representative from An Gárda Síochána was present to address peoples concerns.
Local Sinn Féin Town Councillor Cionnaith Ó Súilleabháin, who organised the meeting, welcomed everyone, in particular the Town Mayor, Cllr. Anthony McDermott. Cllr. Kevin O’ Regan, TC gave his apologies, as had around 10 other residents as well as people from Ardfield, who were unable to attend due to other commitments on the night.
In his introduction, he stated that he personally as a public representative, as well as the town council as a body, had been raising the matter of speeding through residential areas for a number of years. He stated that he himself had written to the Gardaí, raised it at full council meetings and directly with Garda representatives at meetings of the “Public Order” Sub Committee, but had never received correspondence back to his queries. He had got a motion passed calling on the Gardaí to monitor speeding on residential approach roads to the town but as far as he knew, there was never a response or follow up action.
He said that hardly a week goes by that a concerned resident from some area of Clonakilty doesn’t raise experiences they have of reckless driving in their areas, as well as the related issue of loud exhausts and danger and discomfort for decent law abiding people. It has gone to the stage that some people are afraid to walk or cycle on roads which have no footpaths. There have been several “small” accidents over the years, but a recent event which could have been extremely serious prompted him to call the public meeting to give the people of the town a platform to air their concerns. He had invited Supt. Pat Maher via a hand delivered letter to the Garda Station, and earlier on last Thursday a Garda had left a voice message indicating that “all going well” a representative of the superintendent would be at the meeting. However, none arrived or contacted the organiser since.
The meeting opened with people outlining areas where they experience daily reckless driving, where speed limits are exceeded and where there is concern for people living in those areas. Among those mentioned were: The Miles/Clogheen (past Clogheen Cottages), Fernhill Road, Convent Road, (in particular the Convent Road entry to the roundabout), Timoleague Road Gullane, Tubbereen Road, Tawnies Crescent, Western Road and Michael Collins Road, Park Road, and areas leading to and from the Community College. All town centre streets were also identified as areas where the excessive speeds and noise from exhausts are a concern for people living and working in those areas as well as shoppers. People living in Casement Park were critical of the activities of “boy racers” who spend hours in Deasy’s Car Park every weekend night speeding, revving loud exhausts and skidding until nearly morning. In many cases, people pointed out they had contacted the Garda Station sometimes on numerous occasions to complain about recurring issues, but they appear to get little positive reaction. Other people pointed out that it wasn’t just the “boy racers” that are the problem. Couriers, Delivery Trucks and Builders vans often towing loaded trailers, are also a menace for some people as they travel at dangerous speeds near houses and on narrow roads. One man who is a qualified Driving Instructor registered with the Road Safety Authiority, pointed out that in law, pedestrians have priority over motorists when on the road.
The meeting then asked the question, “What can we do?” and this led to debates about the council putting ramps and traffic calming measures in place, educating young drivers, etc. However, one man in particular was very forceful and received applause when he stated that "The Laws are being persistently broken and there is no one enforcing them". For him that was the fundamental point that the meeting should focus on, as he aired sharp criticism at the absence of any Garda rep at the meeting. “You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to solve some of these issues”, he said as he was applauded for his comments by others.
He proposed that a further meeting be organised for two weeks time, with a letter of invitation being issued again to the Superintendent, and an ultimatum that if the Gardaí wouldn’t attend that meeting, the group would write to the Gárda Commissioner. This proposal received broad support. It was further proposed that all the Town Councillors be formally invited also to the meeting of May 6th. There were also some questions as to the delay in setting up the long-awaited Joint Policing Committee by the Town Council.
The Chair agreed to carry out the wishes of the meeting, but in the meantime, he said as individuals we can all do our part. He asked everyone present to enter in the telephone number of Clonakilty Garda Station (023-8821570) into their mobile phones. “Every time you see or hear something you believe to be wrong, ring that number immediately. It is pointless ringing me or talking about these things the day after”, he said. He further advised that people should keep a record of those calls – the time and date, nature of the report and the name of the officer it is reported to and what action if any resulted. He said that at a future meeting, people could report back on their experiences and people would see if things had improved. He also said if people were felt brave enough, they should make approaches to the offending drivers themselves or their parents/guardians if they are under 18.
Some people stated that perhaps the Gardaí have some valid reasons why they aren’t pursuing the problem of reckless driving and nuisance vehicles in Clonakilty. Cllr. Ó Súilleabháin was directed to write the letters to the Gardaí and Town Councillors inviting them to the next meeting on 6th May at 8.30pm in O’ Donovan’s Hotel, but in the meantime, he reminded everyone of their own responsibilities to report every item of concern to those who are the only ones with the power to investigate, prevent and prosecute offenders- An Garda Síochána.